Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Zhanjiang - Laurens City - March 28

We flew from Guangzhou to Zhanjiang, Laurens city. It is short flight so we were there by noon. We are met by our guide and taken to the Silver Sea Hotel. Laurens orphanage does not allow contact with foster family so we knew this would be a different type of visit. This was part of the reason it was a priority to be there for Laurens birthday.

Before we went to the orphanage, we made a stop at a tea shop to get a gift for the orphanage director. I also needed to pick up some great throat lozenges for my sore throat I had found in China. She took us to tea shop with pharmacy right next door. We stopped and had a quick sample of tea.

The Zhanjiang Social Welfare Institute

Orphanage Director, our guide, and Stan talk about where we live and travels we have taken.

Lauren is asked to sign a book for people returning for visit to the orphanage.

We met some of the care givers who cared for Lauren while she was here.

Through Our Chinese Daughters Foundation, we contacted the orphanage to see what they needed. There were several items but Lauren picked a washing machine. OCDF handled the purchasing and had it delivered to the orphanage.

We are going to take a short walk over to restaurant for dinner and celebration of Laurens birthday. This is street that runs in front of the orphanage.

Here we are at dinner with director, other staff, guide and driver. Another great meal. Zhanjiang is known for its seafood so there were several of those dishes. They loved that Lauren did so well with chopsticks and that she loved the seafood dishes. She does love seafood.

Lauren was having such a good time.

Then they brought out the cake!

They had a gift and a card for Lauren.

Here are some short videos

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