Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ruijin - Dinner with Foster Family

We have had wonderful day but it is not over.

After going back to the hotel, we said good by to the orphanage staff. The foster family then said, the would like to have us over to dinner to their apartment. They still have their home in the coutnry but just recently got this apartment in city of Ruijin. We checked with our guide and drive to make sure they were OK with it so off we went.

It was also a short drive to their apartment. It had metal door that opened up to a small open area. The up several flights of stairs. It opened to fairly large open room with bedrooms off of it and down hallway with bath room off of it, kitchen area and dinning room.

We visited for awhile and then realized the mom had gone shopping for food. We did not realize and tried to talk the son into going out to dinner but he would have none of it. Afterwards it occurred to me that people in China may do their shopping everyday. The end result was we had a wonderful meal of about 10 different dishes. The son told told us that mom had made some of Annas favorites and loved when it when she seemed to still like them.

It was such a great evening. We felt bad though that they had gone out to buy food for all these extra people. Stan had a "talk" with the dad and gave them some money.

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